Thursday, August 20, 2009

From the bonnie bank o' Loch Lomond

A few weeks ago, Loch Lomond performed for me and 12 other people. Any other night, I think they would have had at least twice or triple that number of people but 1) it was Sunday night and 2) all the hipsters were at the Hollywood Bowl/Rilo Kiley show. Bad scheduling on someone's part but it did not dull the stage banter or sway the four part harmonies that could rival Bon Iver.

I have high hopes for this band within the next few years, but for now, they're maintaining their roles as show openers. And if they keep opening songs with lyrical allusion to the Elephant Man and how "the sound of children laughing makes my ears bleed," they should be able to stick around.

For the "sounds like" details: the Decemberists, Arcade Fire, and Sufjan Stevens.

P.S. Sunset Junction is happening this weekend for folks in the LA area. Go see Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band, Mica Miko, Islands, the Submarines, and many other class acts. Or catch the Friendly Fires with me at the Glasshouse.

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