Thursday, December 03, 2009

Location is Everything

I found my Jade Tree Record compilation last night and I'm over the moon because I thought I had lost it. I also found a stack of records that I haven't copied to my computer yet. I own "Veni Vidi Vicious?" "The Life Pursuit?" Wow, news to me. The comp features a nice selection of bands, most recognizably The Promise Ring, Jets to Brazil and Pedro the Lion. Not so noticeable bands but still beloved by me are Denali, onelinedrawing, and New End Original. My favorite track is Lukewarm by New End Original.

Fun drum roll, fun hook, somewhat simple guitar chords, it's a poppy little indie rock song from the vault. So thanks, Jonah Matranga for this little gem from my high school days because the shout out loud anthem is still valid years today: I never want to be lukewarm and I never want to say my best days are behind.

P.S. Speaking of my high school days, I had a fit of word vomit on my friend's page: Permanent Standby. I need better metaphors but please do a hop skip long jump over there for some musical interludes for when I'm not available.

1 comment:

leang said...

have you heard any of david bazan's solo stuff? his album, curse your branches, is pretty good.